Saturday, January 26, 2008


Ameer-ul Mu'mineen, Imaam-ul Mashaariq-e-wal Maghaarib Hadhrat Ali(Karra-m-allahu Wajhahu) said:

''I have selected from the Tauraat Shareef twelve statements and I daily reflect on these statements thrice."

These twelve statements follow hereunder.


1. O man ! Never fear any shaitaan and king as long as My Reign endures.

2. O man ! Never be worried aboutyour food as long as you find My treasures to be filled. My treasures neverdecrease nor will be depleted.

3. O man ! when you become helplessin any affair, call Me, and most certainly, you will find Me. I am thebestower of all things and all goodness.

4. O man ! Be assured that I regardyou as My friend. You therefore, befriend Me.

5. O man ! Do not become fearlessof Me until you have crossed the Bridge (in Qiyaamah).

6. O man ! I have created you outof dust, sperm and a blood-clot. I was not without perfect power when creating you, how then can I be without power in feeding you? Why then do you seekfrom others?

7. O man ! I have created all thingsfor you and, I have created you for My Ibaadat. But you have become trappedin that which has been created for your service and you have drifted awayfrom Me for the sake of others.

8. O man ! All creation desires something for themselves while I desire you for your own sake, but yourun from Me.

9. O man ! You are displeased with Me because of the desires of the nafs, but never did you becomedispleasedwith your nafs for My sake.

10. O man ! My Ibaadat is incumbenton you and upon Me is incumbent your feeding. But, in most cases you are deficient in your duty while I am never deficient in feeding you.

11. O man ! You seek future sustenance even today, but I do not desire from you the Ibaadat of the future.

12. O man ! You will forever remain in peace and comfort if you are contented with what I have given you. If you are not contented with it, I will assert the greed of the world over you. It will then cause you to run from pillar to post, from door to door in utter contempt and then too you will obtain only that which has been predestined for you.

Saturday, January 19, 2008