Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saying of Hazrat Ali (RadhiAllahuanhu)

Don't and Don't

Don't be happy with what you earned from this world. Don't be sad from whatever you missed. Don't wish paradise without working for it. Don't delay repentance with long hope. (Sayyidina Ali Karramullahe Wajhahu)

Five in Five

  • Logic is found in the Qur'an
  • Nobility is in Contentment
  • Disgrace is found in Disobedience
  • Respect is by performing night prayers, and
  • Richness is shunning away from the extras



Reported by Abi Al-Abbass Sahl Saad Al-sa'idi (May Allah be pleased with him) that Prophet (Sallallahualihewasallam) said;

"Forsake worldly pleasures, Allah will like you, and forsake what another people have, mankind will like you." Ibn e Majah



There are three things whereby it is not easy to correct them:
  1. Poverty mixed with laziness
  2. Enmity with jealousy, and
  3. Sickness with senility

Saturday, March 03, 2007

your power vs. Allah's Power

Your power vs. Allah's Power

If your power pushed you to commit injustice on people, remember the power of Allah on you.


Al Hasad (Jealousy)

Once Ibn Sireen said: I never had jealousy against any person. If he is one of the friends of Allah, how can I grudge him while he is going to paradise? However, if he is from enemies of Allah, how can I envy him about the vanities of this world, while he is going to hell?

Imam Abu Hanifa Rahemahullah

Hazrat Abu Hanifa Rahemahullah

Once Abdullah bin Dawood Al-Hamazani Al-Sha'bi said about Imam Abu Hanifa (RH) the following:

No one talk wrong about Hanifa except one of the two persons; either the one who is jealous the scholarly knowledge that Abu Hanifa has; or an ignorant person who does not know how ignorant he is about Abu Hanifa.

Friday, March 02, 2007

The road is long

The Road (tariqat) is Long

While walking on this (tariqat) road, some will get tired; others will fall down, others will go back, others will hurry; others will loose hope, however, a very few faithful believers will stay on the road. They are patient to the decision of Allah Tabarakawata'ala. They withstand to hardship of the road till they reach their goal.

Doing Favours

Doing Favours

If you did favour to a person, try not to mention it all; however, if someone did favour to you, try not to forget it at all.

The most strange

The most Strange

Once a wise person said:

The strangest thing I saw was a person who has the Qur'an in his hands, and he seeks knowledge from outside source; and the thing which is stranger than that is a person who recognizes Allah Ta'ala but he disobeyed Him.

Spiritual Garden

Spiritual Garden

How are we fortunate to have this lush oasis five times in every day; to rejuvenate our body; therefore, let us water our spiritual garden and keep it alive.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


  1. the secret of friendship is concern.
  2. the secret of love is sacrifice.
  3. the secret of happiness is giving.
  4. the secret of life is faith in Allah Ta'la.