Friday, December 08, 2006



By: Hazrat Maulana al Haaj al Hafiz Sayyad Muhammad Abrarul Haq Sahab Haqqi Maddazillahu aali (MZA).

1) Due to sins, involvement in worldly thing increases and hate is generated towards life hereafter.
2) Due to sins, a black spot is put the heart, which vanishes if repented otherwise keeps increasing.
3) Due to sins, Allah (SWT) is enraged.
4) There is decrease in wealth,
5) Due to sins, some times, virtues of goods are lost.
6) Due to sins, spiritual (heart) strength and religious compliance is lost.
7) Due to indecent deeds, newer and fatal diseases spreads which otherwise were unknown earlier.
8) Non-payment of Zakat results in loss of rainfall.
9) Injustice and breach of contract will result in overpower by enemies.
10) Wrong weighing will result in draught, dwindling, and injustice by the governor.
11) Cheating will result in fear of enemy.
12) Lust for world and hatred of death results in coward ness and the fear is removed from enemy’s heart.
Hence in present circumstances, all sins must be forbidden. Either the sin is related to spirit (heart) or limbs or oral. Either these are obligations of Allah (SWT) or other persons. But the repent procedure is different , which can be known from the scholars. Allah (SWT) is most beneficial and merciful. Sin can be any big but after repent Allah (SWT) forgives them.


1) To laugh at someone with insult.
2) To scold.
3) To call with bad or nick names.
4) To think wrong about someone.
5) To find fault of someone.
6) To do back biting(geebat) ( To disclose fault of someone in absence )
7) To abuse a person without any reason.
8) Chugli(to say ones secret to others)
9) To deal fraud
10) To insult someone over his mistake
11) To level accusation
12) To be happy over someone’s loss
13) proud
14) To have ego
15) not to help needy even if it is possible
16) To cause damage to somebody’s wealth
17) Not to have mercy on younger ones
18) Not to respect elders
19) To tarnish someone’s reputation
20) Not to help hungry and naked as per your status
21) Stop communication beyond 3 days with someone due to worldly dispute
22) To make picture of living creatures
23) To claim heirs of someone’s property
24) Begging by a healthy and strong person
25) To shave beard or trim less than a handful
26) To dress like kafir (blasphemous) or sinful.
27) Man to wear ladies dress
28) Woman to wear mans dress
29) To have extra martial relation
30) To steal
31) To be perform decoity
32) To give lie witness
33) To utilize wealth of a orphan
34) Disobedience of parents and to cause inconvenience to them
36) To make lie oath
37) To accept bribe
38) To give bribe
39) To be involved in bribe agreement
40) To drink alcohol
41) To gamble
42) To do injustice
43) To utilize a thing without owners permission
44)To pay interest
45) To take interest
46) To write interest
47) To be witness on interest deals
48) To say lie
49) To utilize somebody’s amanat
50) To breach an agreement.

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