Saturday, September 15, 2007

Question 12871

Question 12871
Ibn Arabi said, "or "al-`abd-u rabb-un wa-r-rabb-u `abd-un" (the slave is the lord and the lord is the slave)."Ibn Arabi has also said, " "ar-rabb-u rabb-un fî t-tanazzul-i wa-l-`abd-u `abd-un fî t-taraqqâ" (The lord is a lord in his descent [to his creations] and a slave is a slave in rising)in Fusoos Al-Hikam" and "Al-Ahkaam. Is such aqeedah is right?IF yes then can you explain it shortly?Was he a muslim of ahle sunnat waal jamat? [Germany]

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Text Answer
Hazrath Mohiuddin Ibne Arabi, who authored “Fusoos-ul-Hikum” hailed from Ahle-Sunnath-wal-Jamaat. A large number of religious scholars and Ulema place him among the Ahle-Allah, the Sufiya and Aulia-Allah. Even Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-Sani (RA) includes him among the great Auliya/Saints. Among the major Aulia Allah of the Ahle-Sunnath-wal-Jamaat, a large number have great faith in him. Though he hailed from the Ahle-Sunnath-wal-Jamaat, his books particularly “Fusoos-ul-Hikam” etc., are books relating to “Ilm-e-Kashf” (Knowledge of Revelation). These persons are those who have acquired knowledge through Kashf (manifestation). In this line, others having instruments of knowledge, which are in common practice of the men in general, cannot acquire this knowledge or Ilm. Unless one has an idea of the “Ilm-e-Kashfi”, one cannot understand it. This is the reason due to which Hazrat Mohiuddin Ibne Arabi (RA), has written in the starting pages of his book “Futoohat-e-Makkiah,” that: “it is not permissible for everyone to read our book. Even it is not permissible for the Ulema to read it. Until and unless these scholars of religion have passed through Sufiya Ulema’s method of “sulook”. When he has said such a thing in respect of the Ulema, we the people, do not even come in the list of any ulemas and, in particular, whoever has put this question, he is not at all in this list. How could he ever be able to understand this subject, when doesn’t even know how to copy two sentences in Arabic. He has wrongly copied the excerpt from the book. So, how can we even expect that he will be able to understand this subject Earlier also, we had answered this question. Probably it is the same person who has got the question repeated. So that your minds need not be in confusion, I will just quote a summary of this quotation. But in future please avoid such questions. Hazrat (RA) wants to say “Allah (SWT), has revealed His names, and characteristics and attributes, based on which He has made all His creations, but these names and attributes of Allah (SWT) cannot be termed to be the Rab (Creator), in the same manner as these creations cannot be termed as Rab (Creator). For further clarification, an example is coming to my mind. “If the mirror is put before the moon, then the moon, which is seen in the mirror by being seen in the mirror, the mirror cannot be the moon, and by being seen in the mirror, the moon cannot be the mirror”. This is what he means. The meaning conveyed by Hazrat Shaikh (RA) that “Al-abdu rabbun war-rabbu abd” or “Ar-rabbu rabbun wa-in tanazzal wal abdu abdun wa-in taraq” I have also corrected the excerpt which you have copied wrongly.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) Knows Best

Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi

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