Sunday, November 18, 2007



1. Hadhrat Haarith Muhaasabi (rahmatullah alayh) was a contemporary of Hadhrat Hasan Basri (rahmatullah alayh). His abstinence from mushtabah (doubtful) food was of such a high degree that his fingers would become paralysed if he touched such food. Once he visited Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi (rahmatullah alayh). A neighbour in whose house a marriage had taken place had sent some of the walimah food to Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi. This food was served to Hadhrat Muhaasabi. As he took a morsel of the food, his fingers became limp. Nevertheless, he quickly put the morsel with great difficulty into his mouth, but it would simply not go down his throat. He left the room, spat out the food and went home.
After some days when Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi met him, he (Hadhrat Junaid) asked him to explain his abrupt departure of the other day.

Hadhrat Haarith Muhaasabi said:
"Whenever I stretch my hand towards mushtabah food, it is Allah's great favour that my fingers become limp. However, in deference for you I managed to put the morsel of food in my mouth, but it was rejected by my throat. I spat it out and left."

Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi again invited Hadhrat Haarith Muhaasabi to his home. This time he served a piece of dry bread which Hadhrat Muhaasabi are with relish. Hadhrat Muhaasabi commented: "This suffices for the durwaish."

2. Hadhrat Haarith Muhaasabi inherited 30,000 dirhams from his father's estate. He handed the whole amount to the Baitul Maal (the state's treasury) and said:
"Rasulullah ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) said: 'The Qadriyyah are the Majoos (fire-worshippers) of this Ummah.' My father was a member of the Qadriyyah sect. The Majoos are not Muslims, hence it is not permissible for me to inherit from my father."

3. He said:
Do not take oaths.
Do not speak a lie.
Do not make promises. If a promise has been made, honour it.
Do not curse anyone, even if the person is an oppressor.
Do not seek compensation for anything from anyone.
Do not testify in a case of kufr, shirk and nifaaq.
Do not intend to commit a sin whether it be a sin of the heart or of the body.
Do not impose on anyone. Rather remove the difficulties of others.
Do not wish for an honoured position in the world and regard all others to be nobler than yourself.
Obedience to the laws of Allah Ta'ala is Sabr.
The understanding that all worldly causes are from Allah and to be grateful for even misfortunes are called Tasleem (complete submission).
Severance of relationship with the enemies of Allah is called Haya (Shame).
Divine Love means to shun the world.
To abandon sin on account of the fear of being apprehended (in the hereafter) is called Khauf.
Fleeing from people is called Uns (i.e. an elevated stage of Divine Love).
A Saadiq (Truthful one) is a person who is pleased when he is criticised. He always seeks Allah's refuge.
He who has adorned his nafs by struggle, has found the straight path.
Allah bestows the ability of following the Sunnah to the one who has ikhlaas (sincerity) and engages in Muraaqabah (contemplation).

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