Tuesday, November 14, 2006


The first and foremost intention that a Saalik must learn is "Innamal A’amolo bin Niyyah" i.e. Every action of yours is judged by the intention made for it.
Learn to do all your devotions solely for the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.
Keep your devotions free from the bad Influences of show and insincerity.
Any action that is done to please Allah Ta’ala is always accepted and never rejected in the court of Allah Ta’ala.
Time, which we have missed, can never be recovered in our entire life.
When you remember Allah Ta’ala then shaytaan moves away from you but when you forget Allah Ta’ala then shaytaan comes and puts his evil influences into you.
If you want to be safeguarded from shaytaan and his evil influences then make Zikr of Allah Ta’ala.
Allah Ta’ala says in the holy Quraan’ And make Zikr of Allah Ta’ala and make that Zikr excessively.
Through the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala one may achieve recognition and Maarifat of Allah Ta’ala.
Nabi SaIIaIIahu Alaihi Wasalam has said that the greatest of action is the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala.
Our wealth and children will always try and keep us away from the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala.
Allah Ta’ala guides with His Noor whomsoever He wishes.
If we wish that Allah Ta’ala guides us with his Noor then let us spent our time in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala.
Collect the Noor of Allah Ta’ala, for Noor is light.
The more attachment you have with Allah Ta’ala, the more Noor you will get.
The less attachment you have with Allah Ta’ala, the less Noor you will get.
When your heart becomes filled with the Noor of Allah Ta’ala then you will tread the path of Seeratul Mustakeem (path of Hidayyat).
Insaan can either be in Noor or in darkness.
Shaytaan always takes you out of Noor into darkness.
Evil gazes are very detrimental acts in removing the Noor from our hearts.
If you allow that Noor to leave you, than you are allowing the friendship of Allah Ta’ala to leave you.
Remember that every Sunnah is Noor.
Collect as much Noor as you desire by practising upon the Sunnah.
This Noor will definitely assist you in this world, at the time of death, in the Qabr as well as in the Aakirah.
Remember death daily 25 times by reciting’ 0 Allah bless me in death and bless me in the stages after death .
No matter how rich or poor we are, how healthy or sick we are, how pious or sinful we are, death will surely come to every one of us someday or another.
The constant remembrance of death will take our heart away from the glitter and glamour of this world.
The remembrance of death will turn your attention to the Aakhirat, wherein you are going to live forever.
Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Quraan that’ Every soul shall taste of death .
Nobody knows when he is going to die.
Each one of us is going to lay in our own grave.
When you die, your Aamals end, you cannot do any more Aamals.
Do we know not that we are going to face Allah Ta’ala one day?
All the love that we have for this material world, we are going to leave behind.
The punishment in the grave is haq, it is true.
Let us learn to have patience in this world, for that patience is going to be of some assistance in the grave.
Fulfil every aspect of deen.
Jannah is a barren land, whatever good deeds you do in this world will fill that barren land of yours.
Either we spent our time in the devotion of Allah Ta’ala or in the disobedience of Allah Ta’ala, the choice is ours.
Jannat is going to be yours but you will have to work for it.

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