Thursday, May 04, 2006

4 enemies of man

Bismillah Walhumdulillah Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala Rasoolullah


Four Enemies of Man

The first enemy is inside him; his own nafs (ego). Its main task is to make man negligent and follow his desire. That’s why people leave Dean many time by following prey to their own desires and whims. There is saying of the Messenger of Allah, which says something close to the meaning of: The worst of your enemies is that which is inside of you (i.e. your own nafs).

The second enemy is outside of him: Shaitan. The Quran says something close to the meaning of: "Shaitan is your enemy. Thus consider him as your enemy." And "Shaitan makes their sins seems attractive to them."

The third enemy is disbeliever, who after completely falling prey to his nafs and Shaitan creates different problems for the Muslims. They make someone who has little knowledge fall into doubts, find apparent mistakes and deficiencies in Islam, and start question bases of Dean.

The fourth enemy is that person, who based on his weak intellect and misguidance, makes changes in Islam in the name of Islam. These Types of people present falsehood in the guise of truth. They cause those people who are ignorant or unguided to be misguided.


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