Sunday, May 21, 2006



Hazrath Uqbah bin Aamir (R.A.) once asked Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam):"What are the means of gaining salvation?'""Control your tongue, let your house suffice for you and cry over your sins." This was the salient advice presented by Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).Anarchy and corruption are rampant all over the world. Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) mentioned three actions, which will save us from this evil if they are strictly adhered to. And, it would seem as though these advices were given especially for those sitting in I'tikaaf. The first advice is to control the tongue and do not let it control you. The second is to remain indoors and the third is to cry over one's sins.If a riot breaks out and people are getting injured and maimed and the riot police are trying to arrest the culprits; what does a person do in such a scenario? He remains within the confinement of his home. He does not emerge from his house lest he should get caught up in the riot. He could get injured or even falsely arrested. Similarly, today there is a dire need for us to save ourselves from fitnah (corruption) that lurks outside our homes. It is recorded in the Hadith that some fitnas are of such a nature that a person lying down has a greater chance of salvation than a person who is sitting and a sleeping person has a greater chance of salvation than one who is awake. In another Hadith it is recorded that a person lying down in his house has a greater chance of salvation than one sitting and a person sitting has a greater chance of survival than one who is standing as the one standing gets an urge to go outside and see what commotion is taking place. The person walking has a greater chance of salvation than the one who is running. The more one distances himself from these fitnahs, the greater are his chances of salvation. Wassalaam

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